IVC Desert Museum Society

Members' Corner

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submitted by Stacy Vellas

 I Must Go Out To The Desert
I must go out to the desert
  Where like the will-o-the wisp
          I'm free.
I must go___                                
   Where the washes flow
        Down to the Salton Sea.
I've lived so long in the city
    And breathed of the
        City air.
And I have no friend__
    Where the sidewalks end
And I must get away from there.
I must go out to the desert
   For it's Autumn
      In the land.
There's peace out there
   In the open air
On the floor where the mountains end.
Many a man can take his fill
   Of life wherever
         He be.
But I must lie
   'Neath the Autumn sky
When the desert is calling me.

copywrite 1986 Anastasia 'Stacy' Vellas

My love of the desert began the Fall of 1973 when I enrolled in Jay von Werlhof's anthropology class at San Diego State, Calexico. That was also the same Fall I became a fourth grade school teacher. I taught school all week, wrote lesson plans, organized materials and kept grades. I spent the week-ends in the desert with Jay's field class. This was the birth of my thirty year "out in the desert" love affair. As a result, over the years, I have written many poems about the desert while working with Jay.

Stacy has been a life member since 1974.  She is also on the IVC Desert Museum Society's Exhibits Committee.  We thank her for all the work she has done and continues to do for the Society.

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